Projects › Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle

The Hon. Olive, Lady Baillie, a glamorous Anglo-American Heiress, purchased the Leeds Castle in 1925. She had had grand plans for decorating it and her home hosted many events; for Royalty, politicians, and Hollywood film stars. However by spring 2014, while the outside of the castle still looked amazing, inside cracks were beginning to show. It was considered only just that the Interior should remain as grand as it had been decades ago and so Leeds Castle underwent a significant interior restoration

The Dining Room was included in this project. Receipts for the 1930’s scheme of this room gave an indication of how much money was invested into the redesign and decoration. Today, with its calming subtle colour palette and beautiful long French windows, the Dining Room is regularly used as a stunning ceremony room for Brides getting married at the Castle.

Set within the pastel green painted panel walls of this room sit 6 Aubusson tapestries. Depicting pastoral scenes bordered by Ionic columns and swags of flowers the tapestries are an essential component of the design of this room. These panels could not be left blank while the tapestries were being conserved so Zardi & Zardi were approached to provide temporary replacements. Whilst we initially quoted for linen wall-hangings, once Zardi & Zardi saw that the originals tapestries were housed in frames, we offered to reproduce the designs onto wallpaper, with stunning results.

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