Portfolio › Hardwick Verdures
Hardwick Verdure with Ducks
505 x 315 cm
The Hardwick Verdures comes from Hardwick Hall and is believed to have been part of the collection of Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury, also known as ‘Bess of Hardwick’. She became one of the most influential women of her age. Married and widowed four times, she was an astute businesswoman who succeeded in amassing a huge personal fortune and extensive estates. Her homes, including Hardwick, were adorned with sumptuous contents and furnishings, the value of which equalled or exceeded that of the buildings themselves.
Hardwick Verdure with Ducks: 505 x 315 cm, Hardwick Verdure with Swans: 375 x 315 cm
Hardwick Verdure with Swans
The Hardwick Verdures are available as
Tapestry Wall Hangings
Printed Linen Panels
Swans Bedhead Printed Linen Panel